Depending on which part of the planet Earth you reside upon, you may be experiencing what can only be classified as a way-too-early drought. In my area of residency – Southwest Ohio – the temperatures have been well above average with little or no rain in sight. And it’s technically not even summer yet! Shazbot!
For me, I’m bothered to the extreme by these dry conditions. Amicitia boasts moderate temperatures and very high humidity, which is essential for our skin and slime coats. Frankly, I’ve become quite brittle these last few days and need to spend extended time in my ecto-enrichment chamber. It’s a lot like the healing bacta tanks made popular by the Star Wars universe.
Do you know what else is brittle? My little plot of lawn that’s in the space I call home here on Earth. I’ve been forced to tap into my spaceship’s aquatic reserves and water the lawn a little each day. What was once a lush, green carpet of chlorophyll-enriched stalks quickly started turning various shades of brown. Even though I was watering at regular intervals using adequate amounts of water, I seemingly was losing the battle… and hope.
As the Earth sayings goes, “Persistence pays off.” After watering over the weekend, I started seeing the green coming back to my lawn, giving me hope and incentive to continue nurturing it. Granted, there are more of the same or worsening conditions on the horizon; however, now I am optimistic that my hard work will pay off and eventually conditions will change for the better.
Now, let’s swap a couple words and phrases and create a similar storyline that all of us in the credit union mortgage space is currently playing out.
Drought/Dry conditions = Today’s real estate market
Grass/Lawn = Credit union members
While the precise descriptors used in my story differ from our market and members, the theme and actions of the story remain the same.
We are certainly dealing with a drought in credit union mortgage lending, and looking at the forecast, there’s a good chance that conditions may not change all that much in the near future. Our market seems to be drying up before our eyestalks. Do we continue to roll with the conditions and wait it out until things improve? Waiting around for the grass to grow certainly doesn’t sound like the credit union way of doing business, does it?
As tried and true credit union mortgage lenders, we have in our DNA to do whatever we can to help members with homeownership, no matter the conditions surrounding us. We are the ones watering those lawns and spurring on new growth. Our persistence and dedication to help our members are qualities that drive us every day.
Now is the perfect time to put your nurturing skills to work. Revive those TBD (address to be determined) members. Reach out to current members to educate them on the values of homeownership – and how you can help them. Talk with your members who are renters about their interest in becoming homeowners. Connect and partner with other mortgage business professionals, like Realtors, and expand your reach to include potential new credit union members and borrowers. There are many opportunities and ways to bring your “lawn” back to life and thriving with growth. All you need to do is keep that credit union mindset and don’t be afraid to try new tactics and step outside your comfort zone.
Right now, my comfort zone is inside my ship, but my lawn needs me and the resources I provide to help it grow and thrive. Likewise, your members need you.
It’s time to grab your water can and start nurturing your members. Just be careful not to spill any of that water ONTO your members! You may end up with some really soggy results.