Useful Documents, Forms and Resources
As the servicer of your home loan, it is our goal to provide you with a five-star service experience and answer any questions you have concerning your mortgage. To make this happen, additional information may be needed. Below is a list of helpful documents you could potentially need during the term of your loan. Click on the title to access the document:
- Automatic Payment Form (ACH): Complete this form to take advantage of this free service to make your home loan payment. Select from Monthly Automatic Drafting or Budget Drafting options.
- Third Party Authorization Request Form: If you would like to allow another person(s) to speak to myCUmortgage regarding your home loan, please use this form.
- Escrow Frequently Asked Questions: If your home loan with myCUmortgage is set up with an escrow account and you’d like more information about how escrow works, check out these helpful Escrow FAQ.
- Having Trouble Making Your Payment: We’re here to help. The sooner you contact us, the more options you’ll have. Learn more using this link.
- Mortgage Assistance Application: If you are having mortgage payment challenges, complete this form to help myCUmortgage identify the assistance you may be eligible to receive.
- Hardship Relief Frequently Asked Questions: If you are having problems making your mortgage payment, we are here to assist you. Please review these FAQs for additional information.
- Initial Assumption Package: If you are interested in the assumption of a home loan serviced by myCUmortgage, complete this form to help myCUmortgage determine if an assumption is possible.
- Year-End Tax Frequently Asked Questions: If you have questions about your 1098 mortgage interest tax form, please review these FAQs outlining the most commonly received questions from members.
Insurance Claim Forms:
- Insurance Claim Process Guide: This guide outlines the different steps in the insurance claims process based on the amount of funds released by your insurance company. The guide also contains the necessary forms needed to release funds to you in order to repair the damage to your home.
- Intent to Repair Form: Verify your intent to repair the damage to your home by completing this form during the insurance claim process.
- W-9 Request for Taxpayer ID Number: During the insurance claim process, your contractor needs to complete this form to confirm their taxpayer identification number and certification.
- Contractor’s Conditional Waiver of Lien: During the insurance claim process, your contractor needs to complete this form and confirm that they will waive any claims of lien once full payment for labor and materials has been received.
If you have any questions about these documents, forms or resources, please contact myCUmortgage at 877-912-8006 or [email protected].
We’re ready to assist you with your mortgage as needed.