All Work and No Play? No Way!

As I continue to learn about your Earth lifestyle, traditions, languages and such, I’m often amused at the quirky sayings that have become a part of your speech here in America. There are simple ones like, “When it rains, it pours,” “Sorry, Charlie” and my personal favorite, “Where’s the beef?” (Bonus points for anyone who can name the origin of all of these.)

Then there’s another saying that has stuck with me, particularly as it concerns the current work-from-home environment: “All work and no play,” which simply means it is not healthy to spend all your time working. You need to relax, too. And that means ALL of us!

Over the past several months, I can attest that myCUmortgage continues to fire on all cylinders at a rapid pace in order to manage the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and keep up with the demand for home loans being driven by record-low interest rates. And, if we’re this busy, obviously so are all of our partner credit unions who are continuing to help their members with home ownership.

The trickle-down effect really resonates when you think about everything attached to each home loan: appraisals, inspections, titles, mortgage insurance, loan servicing… EVERYTHING has been kicked up several notches. And while it would be easy to simply do things at our own normal pace, it would be a great disservice to the credit union members seeking a mortgage loan. What this made me realize is that in order to keep those members happy, we need to keep ourselves happy!

I’ve witnessed and experienced first-hand some creative and fun ways that myCUmortgage and our partner credit unions are using to accomplish this. Curious as to what other companies and industries are doing, I’ve conducted some research to make sure we’re doing the right things for our employees and to garner some new ideas for moving forward.

While many of you have already started implementing many of these tactics, some may still be looking to do so or, like me, are looking for new ideas. Here is an abbreviated list of some high-level tactics credit unions may want to consider to continue to keep their employees and members happy:

  • Communications is Key: I know I sound like a broken record here, but it all really does come down to solid and consistent communications. It helps you and your team to stay connected while allowing you to reiterate the value and importance of fulfilling your organization’s mission and vision. Make sure this is two-way communication by asking for feedback and engaging in dialogues with team members.
  • Virtual Hugs and Shout-outs: Show your team how much you care and recognize their hard work and achievements whenever possible. It may not seem like much, but a little empathy and kindness go a long way. Plus, everyone is motivated to do their best when individuals are recognized—those being recognized want to continue to thrill the member while the rest of the team drives harder to reach that same plateau.
  • Re-institute Recess: Talking to my Earthling friends and learning all about their lives and growing up, I recalled something about a thing you call, “Recess.” What an excellent concept that truly encapsulates the “all work and no play” concept. Why not have some type of recess for your employees? Institute regular breaks and give them the opportunity to take a break with some colleagues. Maybe a virtual coffee chat, a lunch-and-learn and a game or some trivia. The opportunities are endless!
  • Prioritize Learning and Development: Sure, we all complete various training and ongoing learning, but this work-from-home environment empowers e-learning. It allows your employees to learn at their own pace on a schedule that works for them. As one fellow blogger noted on Perkbox, “Morale is boosted not only through learning new skills but also by knowing that their employer values and invests in them.”
  • Laugh and Smile: Sure, it may be difficult to laugh and smile at times, especially if you’re like me and don’t have a mouth. But doing so is critical to the well-being of every individual and every team. Maintaining a sense of humor is okay, as long as you stay respectful. Plus, when dealing with members, remember that they can SEE your smiling eyes even behind a mask and HEAR a smile when you talk.

How are you keeping up the morale of your employees and members? Please “Comment” below and share so that we can all learn from each other.

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