Get Prepared for the Mortgage Fair

All across the country, local, county and state fairs are wrapping up their seasons. This past weekend, this alien got to experience his first fair since taking up residency here on Earth. The thought of speedy carnival rides and tasty treats as far as the eyestalks can see was too tempting to deny my attendance.

I certainly was not disappointed. The carnival rides spun me in circles and accelerated me up and down speedy tracks. These actually were quite relaxing to me because when you’re accustomed to the g-forces delivered during interstellar travel, these rides were more along the lines of a lazy river journey to me. I also discovered one of my favorite Earth treats – Milky Way bars – that were covered in some type of sticky batter and suspended in a vat of bubbly oil and grease! They were tentacle licking good, to say the least.

During the time I wasn’t enjoying the thrill of centrifugal force or noshing on deep fried EVERYTHING, I strolled around the fairgrounds and found myself watching the parades of various Earth animals around small outdoor enclosures. Following several discussions with other observers of this animal showcase, I discovered that these events were the foundation of fairs across the country. And it wasn’t just showing animals – there were events for everything from baked goods to vegetables to scarecrows. As it turns out, the carnival aspect is truly secondary to these competitions and showings.

I was extremely intrigued by the competitions. Individuals aged 5 to 95 prepared their animals and other masterpieces over the course of an entire solar orbit in preparation for the fair. That’s a lot of time, effort, energy, sweat and tears for one big moment in the fair ring. Nevertheless, whether they were top in their competitions or not, all participants walked away winners in my space log because of everything they garnered from the fair and their year of preparation. Experience. Lessons learned. Tips for improvement. Support and accolades from their peers and fair leaders. Even constructive criticism. Simply put, they acquired a wealth of knowledge and direction to help them start preparing for next year.

At myCUmortgage, we take a similar approach with our annual Partner Conference, which, by the way, is scheduled for October 17-19 in Dayton. If you’ve yet to register, act fast to get the Early Bird rate and prepare yourself for a mortgage adventure that has been built and created over the past year!

While our Partner Conference has won several awards in the past, we never let that stop us from putting on an even better event the following year. We take in and evaluate what we learn every year, paying particularly close attention to feedback from attendees and any constructive insights we may receive. No matter how well planned and executed the conference, we feel there is always room to improve.

This year’s agenda is a prime example. We asked former attendees, sponsors and other partner credit unions what they want to see during the annual Partner Conference; what do they feel would really make it valuable in their quest to become great mortgage lenders? Something we heard loud and clear was the desire to have more interactive and hands-on learning opportunities. We took this to heart and updated the format of many sessions to allow for more interaction. We even created a brand-new session using this feedback. If you haven’t already, I strongly encourage you to check out the complete Partner Conference agenda by CLICKING HERE.

As you will see, this year’s agenda could be the best ever in delivering quality insights and experiences that you, our partner credit unions, asked for. Plus, it completely reflects upon the conference theme: Taking Command: Charting Your Course to Service and Success.

I mentioned that the Early Bird rate is still in effect, but only until AUGUST 31. I urge you to REGISTER NOW to save a few dollars on the mortgage opportunity of the year. And, in typical Mort fashion, I want to reward my loyal readers with an extra $50 off their registration*. All you have to do is leave a comment below on what you look forward to most at the Partner Conference and we’ll be in touch with more information.

I hope you can enjoy and benefit from myCUmortgage’s year of preparation, and much like the fair, we’ll even have some tasty treats for you during the event. I can’t promise a carnival, but that’s probably for the better. I failed to mention that during my visit to the fair, I was nearly snagged by the winner of one of the games that was offering inflatable life-sized aliens as prizes. I’m glad we were able to clear that up because being away from all of you and the Partner Conference would be…





*Mort’s bonus $50 off is only valid on new registrations.

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