We’re Off to See… Meredith?!?

It was a very exciting time last week for myCUmortgage and our partner credit unions and their members!

First, I’d like to send a galactic Amicitian welcome to Ben Rempe, the new president of myCUmortgage! I had the opportunity to chat with Ben, and he is as excited to be a part of the family as we are to have him join us. I also let him know that I have a guest blog spot reserved for him whenever he’s ready. My eye stalks are quivering in anticipation!

The second piece of news from last week was the result of some excellent work by the experts at myCUmortgage around our annual Partner Conference and this blog. The PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) Dayton Chapter presented an Award of Merit for the blog and a Gem City Award for the 2023 Partner Conference. But wait, there’s more! myCUmortgage also received the Best in Show Award for the conference! These were both great team efforts of which every myCUmortgage expert should be proud! Both the blog and the Partner Conference are designed for our partner credit unions and to build awareness with prospective credit unions who are getting to know us, so know that you’re a part of this celebration as well!

By the way, if you’ve yet to register for the annual AWARD-WINNING Partner Conference, don’t wait any longer – CLICK HERE and secure your spot for this showcase event.

The week ended on an equally exciting note as we celebrated Ben, the awards and so much more during our Town Hall meeting. Every other month, the experts at myCUmortgage gather in person to learn more about our great organization; our partner credit unions and their members; each other; and how we’re helping make the dream of homeownership a reality across the country. These periodic meetings are just one of many examples of the communications within the organization that are vital to our success – and yours!

As a blogger, I recognize the need for and importance of communication in practically any endeavor, and I’ve emphasized that to my subscribers many times. If you’re going to be a successful credit union mortgage lender, not only do you need to communicate, but you also need to ensure that the communication is clear, understandable and delivered via channels that the recipients prefer. At the expense of one of my close colleagues at myCUmortgage, I was reminded of this in a story he shared.

During a recent vacation, he had the opportunity to visit the Emerald City, and I’m not talking about Oz but rather Seattle. A few individuals vacationing with him were fans of the television show Grey’s Anatomy which is set to take place in Seattle. After a little Hollywood research, his friends discovered a few locations where actual footage was shot, including the house of the show’s main character, Meredith Grey.

According to one of the various mapping apps on their phones, Meredith Grey’s “home” was located a mere 0.75 miles from their hotel, a relatively short walk for this eager group of bipeds. They set off later that day straight up Queen Anne Avenue North. And I do mean, straight up. You see, that street sports an 18 percent grade, turning that short, leisurely quarter mile stroll into a difficult, fatigue-inducing uphill climb.

While the mapping app did provide accurate information, it failed to communicate that there was a drastic shift in altitude that most definitely needs to be accounted for. While the group eventually made it to Meredith Grey’s house, they all agreed that if they would have known the walk was so steep, they would have sought alternatives to reaching their destination. I probably could have teleported them if they asked.

The point of this story for credit union mortgage lenders is simple: Not only do you need to communicate with your members as they are going through the sometimes steep climb to homeownership, but you need to do so clearly while including all the pertinent details with complete transparency. Your members look to you as their trusted mortgage provider and experienced guide to their destination. Embrace your expertise and both you and your members will benefit from it.

This past week was a great opportunity for everyone at myCUmortgage to celebrate what we’ve accomplished while looking forward to our future and new opportunities. Take this time to do the same with your credit union mortgage operations, paying particular attention to and fine-tuning your member communications. While there may be some steep hills to climb during their journey, you can make it an easy trek for your members with the right level and tone of communication.

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