Good day, my loyal followers. I am absolutely thrilled to be able to communicate with you today. Electronic communications is the ideal channel as we maintain our social distancing. These…
Taking the Leap
So, this past Saturday, February 29, I was told by my humanoid counterparts that you celebrate Leap Year here on Earth. Say what? I still have my head in the…
It’s Time to Spread the Love
Happy Valentine’s Day! First and foremost, I want to express my “love” for all of my followers, myCUmortgage colleagues and family and friends back on Amicitia. While we don’t have…
The Groundhog Says, “Get Those FTHBs Into Homes!”
Believe it or not, the rotation of your planet means what you Earthlings refer to as spring is right around the corner for the northern hemisphere. In just a couple…
Make Mortgages Part of Your 2020 Flight Plan
The last time we blogged, we discussed how you need to prepare your mortgage business for launch in the New Year. In anticipation of that launch, you should do what…
Preparing for Launch in 2020
First and foremost, Happy New Year, Earthlings! Each New Year gives us a chance to look back over the previous one and celebrate our successes as well as reevaluate those…
Celebrate the Holidays the Credit Union Way
Okay, so in my last post, I complained a little about your winter season here on Planet Earth. That was before I learned about your December holidays! As of late,…
New Home Tour Starts Here…
Greetings and salutations, and welcome to winter! This is not my favorite part of the year here on Earth, as my home planet only experiences what you would consider to…