Coming to an Expo Near You!

This past week was very exciting at myCUmortgage for many reasons, but the one that was most enjoyable for me was the kickoff of the trade show season! It’s been a while since we’ve had a full lineup of in-person trade shows to attend—two years to be precise.

Over the course of those two years, we were able to participate in several “virtual” events, which were very good options since in-person attendance was not possible due to the pandemic. myCUmortgage did the very same thing in 2020 when we needed to cancel the annual Partner Conference. We knew we still wanted to deliver professional development opportunities to our partner credit unions, so we held our Virtual Partner Event.

This has all resulted in the birth of hybrid events and conferences. These are a combination of both, offering elements for in-person attendees as well as virtual participants. Again, that’s what we did for our 2021 Partner Conference, and it’s what we’re planning to do again for this year’s event, which is scheduled for Oct. 17-19 at the Marriott at the University of Dayton and online. Mark your calendars now and watch for more details and registration information coming soon.

But let’s get back to our preparation for the 2022 credit union conferences and events. We’re very excited and can’t wait to hit the road. In preparation, we’ve refreshed our trade show booth from what was already a true eye-catcher on the exposition floor to one with a new monster and service-oriented messaging. I attest that I’m a little disappointed that yours truly wasn’t featured in the booth artwork, but I completely understand. It could be very unnerving for visitors of our booth to witness my two eye stalks following their every movement, kind of like that Earth masterpiece called the Mona Lisa.

While we’re on the topic (of trade shows, not the Mona Lisa), I’d like to encourage all of you—both current partner credit unions and those wanting to learn more about a potential partnership—to visit the myCUmortgage booth at a show near you and say HI to our myCUmortgage experts! To assist with that, here’s a list of the shows we plan to attend in 2022, subject to change, of course:

  • April 4-6: inVest48 by the Ohio Credit Union League, Columbus, Ohio
  • April 20-22: Ignite with the Virginia Credit Union League, Roanoke, Virginia
  • April 29: UP (Upper Peninsula) Annual Meeting, Michigan Credit Union League, Harris, Michigan
  • May 11-14: Wisconsin Credit Union League Convention, Appleton, Wisconsin
  • May 18-20: Tennessee Credit Union League Connect Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee
  • June 19-21: Carolinas Credit Union League Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
  • Aug. 8-10: Kentucky Credit Union League Conference, Louisville, Kentucky
  • Sept. 18-21: ACUMA Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Oct. 12-14: Indiana Credit Union League Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Oct. 17-19: myCUmortgage Partner Conference, Dayton, Ohio
  • Oct. 25-27: MAXX Convention with the Northwest Credit Union Association, Spokane, Washington

Keep an eye on our social media posts and give us a follow on LinkedIn and Twitter while you’re at it. Doing so will keep you up to date on our trade show participation and all that is myCUmortgage!

When visiting our booth, I can assure you that you’ll be amazed when you discover all that myCUmortgage has to offer to help you become a great credit union mortgage lender. I was checking out the list of topics and areas of focus we’d be covering during our next show. The first thing that came to my alien mind is the control panel of my spaceship, which is saturated with buttons, dials, gauges, flashing lights, readouts, lions, tigers and bears (oh my!). THAT’S how many things were included on our trade show prep list.

But fear not, credit union Earthlings—while the collection of products and services offered by myCUmortgage may seem overwhelming, at closer investigation, it’s anything but. In fact, it’s easy to see that each item works in concert with one-another and creates the space lane that credit union mortgage lenders need to follow to get more members into homes and truly assist them throughout the life of the loan. We also have myCUmortgage experts at the booth who are not only fun and interesting humans to talk with, but they’ll also listen to your needs and can then make recommendations for your credit union and your members.

Be it the various levels of partnerships available, the digital marketing tools at the ready or the new Servicing Digital platform, myCUmortgage is prepared to help you help more members with home ownership. And the best part goes beyond the trade show booth and collateral. It’s the experts at myCUmortgage. I’ve discussed before how our people set us apart from other mortgage lenders, and after you visit and talk to Evan, Dawn, Andrew, Jon and Bret, it will become as clear as a moonlit night that we value and treat each member just as you—their trusted credit union partner—would.

We can hardly wait to see you out on the road for some in-person conversations. Be sure to slide your way over and come say HI. And don’t mind that gorilla and the other monsters in and around our booth. They simply want to show you their passion for helping you seize the mortgage and thrill the member. Be sure to snap a selfie with them, share it on social media and show your family, friends and the entire Earth that THIS is How You Mortgage!

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