With barely a chance to stop and catch our breath, we see them… coming right on the heels of Halloween are the winter holidays, rolling in like a Mannheim Steamroller!…
Tag: myCUmortgage
Press 1 to Speak with Me
A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to visit a local credit union and observe the day-to-day business activity taking place at the branch. At one point, a…
You’re Going to Need a Bigger Hat
Today is World Social Media Day and further proof that you Earthlings really do have a day dedicated to or celebrating just about anything you can imagine. I discovered this…
Dream Makers
Last evening in my hibernation chamber, I woke up suddenly during a dream. In case you were wondering, most alien species share that trait with humans and dream during rest…
What an Opportunity! Part 2
As I wrapped up Part 1 of this post, I mentioned that “opportunity abounds.” All I could picture were your Earth astronauts bouncing around the moon’s surface, leaping and grabbing…
What an Opportunity! Part 1
We’ve all seen the insurance commercial where the owner of a newly purchased home goes up into the attic to see what the previous owners have left behind. He flips…
Mortgages that Go Bump in the Night
Every fall here on Earth, I get to enjoy everything pumpkin spice. It’s honestly a delicacy to me. On my home planet of Amicitia, the only seasonal treats we get…
Birds of a Feather
Different writers have uniquely personal ways to get their words out of their craniums and into a communications channel where they can share what they authored. I am no different;…