I must admit, my lunar calendar malfunctioned a bit with this thing you Americans call Daylight Savings Time. I’ve been going to my nocturnal chamber earlier the last few days but, on the positive side, I’ve been an hour early to all of my meetings and appointments!
What are you doing with that extra hour this week? I took advantage of the 60-minute surplus getting back on this blog. I’ve been absent a little longer than I like, but it was all for a very good reason. So good, in fact, that I’m recommending you use your extra hour to check out this “reason” that delivered a cargo hold full of benefits. I’m talking about the myCUmortgage Virtual Partner Event.
When I mentioned this earlier in the week, one of my faithful subscribers asked, “But Mort, wasn’t the Virtual Partner Event back in late October? It’s over, so how can I still benefit from it?”
The simple answer to this question is, yes, the Virtual Partner Event has concluded; HOWEVER, with the “virtual” nature of this year’s event, the entire platform is still up and running and offers you access to all of our sessions during the event, which were all recorded. Not only that, but you still have access to informational documents provided during the event and the sponsor booths. There is a catch…
First, you must be registered to access the platform. If you already registered and/or attended any part of the conference, use the same login information. If you’ve yet to register, visit the Virtual Partner Event webpage, scroll down and click the red button to do so. You’ll be emailed your login credentials shortly thereafter.
Second, this access, unfortunately, won’t last forever—the event site and its contents are jettisoned on November 21. myCUmortgage wanted to be sure that all information and sessions remained available for a sufficient period afterwards because we knew everyone couldn’t attend the entire event. After all, the mortgage market is still racing at a speed that would rival the Kessel Run record, and what’s most important is and always will be helping members with home ownership.
There’s still plenty of time to check out any sessions you may have missed or re-watch those that were particularly impactful or just plain fun. The content delivered during this Virtual Partner Event was powerful, timely and practical. I don’t want to come off as preachy, but you owe it to your members—both current and prospective homeowners—to take it all in.
Once you’re in the event Lobby, click on the Auditorium and then the big projection screen in the middle. There, you’ll find a listing of all the sessions, sorted by the days of the event, ready to be viewed by you. Some of them, you’ll notice, have downloadable attachments that will help walk you through the presentations and provide some great examples of the topics at hand. Some of the sessions available include:
- The Mission Accepted welcome address from myCUmortgage president Tonya Coon
- The always popular Building Your Mission Tool Kit: What’s New at myCU
- Identifying the Clues to Five-Star Mortgage Servicing featuring our top Servicing operatives
- An exciting panel discussion with representatives from various facets of the mortgage industry: Investigating Mortgage Lending Today, Tomorrow & Beyond
- The ultimate sessions for mortgage intelligence gathering, Ask the Experts Parts 1 & 2, featuring over a dozen myCUmortgage experts
- Michael Christians making regulatory content fun with Cracking the Compliance Code
- The closing session with Tonya Coon and ACUMA President Tracy Ashfield—this Intel Download was an inspiring way to wrap up the event
In addition to the sessions, there are a lot of other things to see and do before the November 21 cut-off date, including checking out the sponsor booths and the wealth of information they offer; the Resources area which contains all information and documents from the event; the Chat Lounge, which is still available if you want to reach out to any fellow attendees, sponsors or myCUmortgage experts; and the Event Survey—this, to me, is the most important thing you can complete, as it give us the direction we need to create future events and conferences that offer want you want and need for your mortgage business.
So, enough talk. Check out the site because the clock is literally ticking! Let me know what you think of the sessions and materials offered. We’re confident that the Virtual Partner Event has everything you need to make your mortgage Mission Possible! #myCUpossible2020